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Providing mental health services to British South Asians

Culture and Wellbeing aims to empower British South Asian communities by creating spaces where they can learn about, engage with, and respond to complex social issues in their lives and communities.

About us

Engage Community, Embark Social Inclusion and Enhance Mental Wellbeing

By building communities based on traditional values and cultural values, culture and wellbeing offer the opportunity to prevent mental illness from occurring. Through this platform, individuals can gain access to a learning and support area where they can interact with one another, learn from one another, and grow together.


Our objective is to provide support for individuals who are frustrated by circumstances such as:

  1. not being able to express their opinion,

  2. feeling pressure to make choices about their education, career, and life,

  3. feeling judged by others,

  4. being subjected to unrealistic expectations,

  5. Feels that cultural values and traditional values have become outdated, and they have been misunderstood


As a result of this service, individuals, families, and members of the community will be able to gain a better understanding of the impact of their human experiences on society at large. We have designed our educational program to help British South Asian community members develop healthy relationships that are based on mutual respect and togetherness, thereby maximising the chances of personal and professional development.

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